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_see the process here.
_see the process here.
Independent Consulting.
Design Direction.
The client was getting ready for a major operation in the stock market and commissioned the studio to design the brand identity and corporate communication program.
As a fuel company, they’re major interface with customers are the filling stations. As the graphic design was maturing on brand identity, there was the need to see the new brand applied to facades, totems and canopies.
Though the studio didn’t have any previous experience with the design of filling stations, that was actualy huge break for us.
We had the talent, the means and 3D project expertise which lead us to set a task force and quickly delivered our vision for the future filling stations. The first presentation was a hit and within the next weeks we developed the concept and design the detailed master plan.
In 5 mouths we were opening to service two full working prototypes.
Client: Galp Energia
Credits: Goncalo Fonseca, Akis Kostantinidis, Jose Carlos Mendes, Joao Cracel, Elsa Casemiro and Pedro Monteiro.