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_see the process here.
_see the process here.
Independent Consulting.
Design Direction.
In its nature of finding new ways to do things better, industrial design and service design have been the differentiating matter to generating real innovation in a variety of industries.
Consumer Electronics, I.C.T., Transportation, Energy, Telecommunications, Medical. I.o.T, I.o.e.T., Banking, Lighting, Professional Tooling, Water Management, Automotive, Optometric, Biotechnology, Biomedical, Healthcare, Wellness, Liquefied Petroleum Gas, Sports, Surfing, Home Appliances, Motorsports, Public Mail, Hospitality, Food & Beverages, Retail, In Shop Experience, Household, Tableware, Air Quality, Home Monitoring, Vigilance, Electric Mobility, Motorcycling and Signage & Wayfinding.